
Working to End Homelessness Across the Globe: Depaul’s Exchange Programme

Depaul International’s staff exchange program fosters global collaboration by enabling employees to share skills and insights across its branches. Aynsley Rastofsky and Zainab Walji of Depaul UK highlight their enriching experience in Ireland, where they learned about innovative data practices, strong service partnerships, and the shared commitment to ending homelessness.

Celebrating Blessed Rosalie Rendu’s Legacy Through Global Charity

The Vincentian Family honors Blessed Rosalie Rendu by highlighting the collaboration between the Famvin Homeless Alliance and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul through the “13 Houses” Campaign, transforming lives across 14 nations. A new video captures inspiring stories of individuals overcoming homelessness and domestic violence, emphasizing the enduring mission of charity and community-building.

Interview with Father Tomaž Mavrič, on the “13 Houses for the Jubilee Project”.

The Vincentian Family, guided by hope in Jesus, is joining forces through the “13 Houses Project for the Jubilee,” an initiative endorsed by Pope Francis to build dignified housing in 13 countries during the 2025 Jubilee Year. Below is an interview with Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, President of the Vincentian Family Executive Committee, who shares his reflections on the impact and call of this project.

Ivan’s Story: From the Streets to Hope

Ivan, a 21-year-old who became homeless due to family issues, found support and stability through Depaul, an organization helping individuals in vulnerable situations. With their guidance, he gained professional skills, found a job in construction, and successfully rebuilt his life, moving off the streets and into his own apartment.

Just one house to change a life

Our path ahead

Frederic Ozanam once said that “Charity must never look to the past, but always to the future, because the number of its past works is still very small and the present and future miseries that it must alleviate are infinite.”