
On Noticing (Amos 6; Lk.16:19-31)

“Noticing” is high up on the list of how “they’ll know we are Christians” — and certainly how they’ll know we are Vincentians.

What Can an Arcade Game Teach Us About Ministry?

Whack-a-mole has become something of a metaphor for a recurring problem that one never seems to get ahead of. How do we address recurring problems?

Thankful for Healing and Salvation

Jesus is the last revelation of divine salvation to Israel and the nations. It is right, then, that all show themselves thankful to him always and everywhere. Nine of the ten lepers that Jesus has healed do not show that they are thankful. For only a Samaritan, who...

Vincentian Prayer Images: There is No Act of Charity…

Let the image and the quote sink in, and take root. These images might surprise you into prayer at various points in your...

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