
Alive by God’s Love in Christ Jesus

Jesus is the last and surest proof that God loves us. Because of this love, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; all are alive for him. The Sadducees deny that there is a resurrection or that the dead can be alive again because of it. So, with their...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Doing What Is Reasonable

Vincentian Prayer Images: Do I realize my limits … or am I heading for burnout?

Liquid Modernity and the Vincentian Commitment

In order to be a Vincentian, it is necessary to clothe oneself in some specific attitudes: making oneself available, service on behalf of those in need, etc.

CVV 25th Anniversary Celebration and Tribute to Fr. Tom Nelson, CM

From September 27-29, Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (CVV), which is part of MISEVI – USA, celebrated our 25th anniversary.

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