
Claiming the Gift of Vincent’s Charism

Vincent was also a genius in organizing and networking. His passion for the poor expressed itself through an empowering humility that invited others to share their gifts.

Taking In (Nehemiah 8; I Corinthians 12; Luke 4: 18-21)

“Taking in the news.” It can refer to events both good and bad, taking in the news of a baby’s birth, for instance, or at the other end, receiving word of a loved one’s passing.

My Favorite Image of God

As I look back over my life I realize how, over time, my relationship to God has emphasized one or another person of the Trinity.

Lover of Sinners and Outcast

Jesus is a lover of those whom religion and society shun:  sinners, widows, orphans and strangers.  They are dear to true Christians too. It seems the leaving out of “vengeance,” when Jesus read Is 61, 1-2, did not bother his fellow Nazareth citizens.  For they still...
Lowliness, Simplicity, Truth and Freedom

Neighbor Even to Our Hateful Enemies

Jesus, more than anybody else, is neighbor to us.  Dealing mercifully with those in need, we get to do as he does. A legal scholar tests Jesus, and Jesus turns the tables on him and tests him.  The scholar, however, passes the test.  But not wanting perhaps to come...

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