
A Canadian View: A Spring Renewal

Another spring is upon us with all of its hopes for renewal, whether in our faiths, nature, sports, politics, or family.

Inside The Fold (John 10:1-10)

Preparing for this Sunday, which is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, I came across a description of the things a shepherd in Jesus’ time would do to care for his — or her — sheep.

What is the largest conversation in the world?

Does the Guinness Book of Records have an award for the largest and longest conversation in the world? If it did, it would probably single out Pope Francis as the most significant discussion leader ever.

Splendor of Christ on the Cross

Hanging on the cross, Jesus is clothed with the splendor of self-emptying love.  He thus is the source of blessings. Jesus was deeply troubled as he told his disciples that one of them would betray him.  This and the thought that he would soon suffer and die must have...
Widow who Offers All She Has to Live on

Widow who Offers All She Has to Live on

Jesus wholly offers himself to take away our sins.  In this sacrifice shares the widow who gives all she has to live on. In the Bible, as we know, to be a widow, orphan or a foreigner means, in general, to be poor.  That is why the generosity of the widow of Zarephath...

Widow who Offers All She Has to Live on

Hear, the Lord our God is Lord Alone

Jesus embodies the one who created us, men and women, in his image, after his likeness.  Rightly does he tell us, then, that to love and hear God is to love and hear the neighbor. A scribe asks Jesus, “Which is the first of all the commandments?”  And he answers that...