
“Only the Vincentian Family came to help us”

Latin America is now the epicenter of COVID-19. The Vincentian Family has stepped up to the challenge and continues to work with the poor.

We Need to Reflect on Other Pandemics, Equally Undesirable!

The coronavirus is not the only pandemic that we have to confront together.

The Pope Video • Our Families

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Our Families.

July 4: Feast Day of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Pier Giorgio Frassati was not one to do the minimum when it came to works of charity, and he didn’t want a life of spiritual mediocrity.

Second thoughts

Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 28, 2014 – Ez 18, 25-28; Phil 2, 1-11; Mt 21, 28-32 If there is any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy (Phil 2, 1) Just like his Father, Jesus does not wish us sinners to die but to turn back to...

Jesus Christ, C.M.

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 21, 2014 – Is 55, 6-9; Phil 1, 20c-24. 27a; Mt 20, 1-16a Conduct worthy of the Gospel (Phil 1, 27) God wants all human beings to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Those who really know him and the...

Poisoning ourselves?

God greatly exalted him (Phil 2, 9) No one has greater faith than the one who, feeling totally forsaken and helpless, still commends his spirit into the hands of the Father. Whoever believes in this greatest Believer and catches his faith will be saved. Faith, in...

Truth to power

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), September 7, 2014 – Ez 33, 7-9; Rom 13, 8-10; Mt 18, 15-20 Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another (Rom 13, 8) In the end, love is what it is all about. It is God. It never fails. It keeps no records of wrongs (“If...