
Vincentian Prayer Images: Vincent “Masks Up”

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A Saint Speaks To America From His Heart

I suspect you will feel moved, proud, and challenged by the words of Pope Saint John Paul II. 

Vincentian Formation Through African Eyes

This challenge of inculturation has led me to rethink the ministry of Vincentian formation. What does it mean to be a Vincentian formator in East Africa?

July 9: Feast of St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M.

St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M., missionary to Wuhan, China, was canonized for his heroic witness of charity and faith.

No tank tops or shorts

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), October 12, 2014 – Is 25, 6-10a; Phil 4, 12-14. 19-20; Mt 22, 1-14 God will fully supply whatever you need (Phil 4, 19) God invites us to a sumptuous banquet. Do we accept the invitation with respectful gratitude? The banquet...