
A Vincentian View: Transforming not Conforming

Paul’s guidance confronts me.  I desire to heed his advice, but I feel the challenge and see the obstacles.  Like much of Paul’s advice, no easy response presents itself.

Our Father – A Radical Prayer?

The kingdom is waking up to being sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters to one another. In a polarized world what could be a more radical change in consciousness?

Agree and Disagree in the Church

Jesus is in our midst as we gather together in his name.  It is due to him that we agree with one other and with our Father in heaven. It is enough that two agree, that two or three gather....  So, in the first place, we do not need a megachurch.  Nor is it needed, in...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Charity AND Justice

Vincent saw the bigger picture than just that presented by an immediate need!