
Vincentian Prayer Images: Getting To Know Our Family

What couldn’t we do if we got to know other branches of our Vincentian Family, especially in our local area?

To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God (Part I)

The closing lines of the musical production of the Hugo’s Victors novel are quite powerful: to love another person is to see the face of God. (Part I)

The “New Normal”

We are very carefully moving out of a situation of quarantine and there is now talk about returning to a “new normal.”

New Series: The Vincentian Family & Laudato Si’

When we read Laudato Si’ as Vincentians, there exists an opportunity to explore this letter from a viewpoint that many may not be aware of or fully appreciate.

Griffin “The Director’s Chair”

Griffin “The Director’s Chair”

Pat Griffin CM continues his series on Consecrated Life with this reflection on the Director's Chair. Recently, I took on a new role at St. John’s University. I have assumed the primary responsibility for the Vincentian Center for Church and Society (VCCS). With that...

Twitter as Your Organizer

Twitter as Your Organizer

If you really want to make the most of Twitter, you should treat it like a typical newspaper: Each subject matter should be split up into a different section. While Twitter has offered the ability to curate Lists around specific topics for a long time, they have...

Keys to Online Meetings

Keys to Online Meetings

There have been years of research dedicated to the preparation and execution of successful meetings. But how often have we heard the words, "boring!" or "useless" when evaluating the seemingly endless meetings we are invited/compelled to attend? We're Vincentians --...

All the way

Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), August 23, 2015 – Jos 24, 1-2a. 15-17. 18b; Eph 5, 21-32; Jn 6, 60-69 Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5, 21) Jesus’ flesh is true food and his blood, true drink. His words lead to eternal life....