
Vincentian Prayer Images: Vincent Heard the Cries of the Poor

We know Vincent heard the cries of the poor. Can we listen as Vincent did?

New Soil

On the first day of attending my new elementary school, my mother said to me, “Just bloom where you’re planted!”

Discovering the deepest needs of those we serve

This presentation poses a series of questions reminding us to try to sense the deeper needs of those we serve. [button...

Reflections on Laudato Si´

A collaborative spirit is evident in Pope Francis’ writing and publication of his encyclical, Laudato si´: on Care for our Common Home. 

Vincent de Paul: Importance of Prayer

Vincent de Paul: Importance of Prayer

Sr. Carol Schumer, D.C. provides a prayer service for September with the theme “Vincent de Paul: Importance of Prayer”.  Vincent ends many of his letters asking the recipient to pray for him.He uses phrases such as: “Remember me in your prayers”  (#76 To the Pastor of...

Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today

History does repeat itself! Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today in this letter written by Blessed Fredric in 1836. It is rich food for thought as we prepare to celebrate his feast September 9. If in the Middle Ages a sick society could be healed only through a huge...

Consumed by love

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 13, 2015 – Is 50, 5-9a; Jas 2, 14-18; Mk 8, 27-35 I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works (Jas 2, 18) In Jesus, the Suffering Servant, God’s invisible and pure love becomes visible and exposes itself to the...

Family Values – Patrick Griffin, CM

Family Values – Patrick Griffin, CM

Fr. Patrick Grifin reflections on Family Values in his series on "Considering Consecrated Life". Two happenings can capture our attention during this year. We celebrate the “Year for Consecrated Life,” and we look forward to the “World Meeting of Families” which will...