
Vincentian Prayer Images: A Question for Vincent

How would Vincent answer a question about feeling hopless or useless during this time of pandemic?

To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God (Part II)

The closing lines of the musical production of the Hugo’s Victors novel are quite powerful: to love another person is to see the face of God. (Part II)

AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 1: Humility

Three videos, on humility, are presented by Fathers of the Congregation of the Mission.

Poverty is a Personality Defect

Are Vincentians doing enough to ensure there is the preferential option for the poor?

Evoking Our ‘Yes’

Evoking Our ‘Yes’

S. Janet Gildea writes of Evoking Our ‘Yes’ in the latest issue of E-Voc, the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is calling forth in their lives. What does Pope Francis...

The bar is high

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), October 4, 2015 – Gen 2, 18-24; Heb 2, 9-11; Mk 10, 2-16 He is not ashamed to call them brothers (Heb 2, 11) Jesus remains faithful even if we are unfaithful, for he cannot deny himself. He cannot be other than the faithful...

Look with love… move with mercy

Look with love… move with mercy

St. John's University chose “Look with love… move with mercy” as the theme for it 2015 celebration of Founder's Week. Fr. John Maher, C.M. shares this presentation which challenges us to “Look with love… move with mercy” as did St. Vincent. He walks us through where...