
Sharing of my own life with another

Short presentation about the equal relationship with the other, the brother or sister whom we are serving, who enters into our life.

The Good Samaritan, Pair of Jesuits and St. Vincent

”Laudato Si’ taught us that EVERYTHING is connected; ‘Fratelli Tutti’ teaches us that EVERYONE is connected.”

Advocacy in an Election Year

Participating in society is our Catholic duty. Let us pray for all the candidates and for all who will vote in elections around the world.

Giving Grants To Homeless People?

Is giving money to homeless people a way help them? It might be squandered, or spent on harmful habits. FACTS do not support such thinking.


Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), October 18, 2015 – Is 53, 10-11; Heb 4, 14-16; Mk 10, 35-43 Tested like us in every way, yet without sin (Heb 4, 15) Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all. Peter already found...

Sharing Love – Act Accordingly

Sharing Love – Act Accordingly

Sharing Love - Act Accordingly – Image of God - Do You Feel Called? Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday October 13, 2015 Greetings Vincentians:  Remember to pray and fast.  When you fast with your prayer, it is more meaningful.  The best things to fast from...

A Heart’s Desire Griffin

A Heart’s Desire Griffin

Fr. Pat Griffin continues his series "Considering Consecrated Life" with a reflection on “A Heart’s Desire” The film “Amadeus” offers a compelling and colorful telling of the life of Mozart.  At its end, Salieri, who had been jealous of Mozart, characterizes himself...

The God Who Gives Life to All Things

The God Who Gives Life to All Things

The God Who Gives Life to All Things (1 Timothy, 6:13) New events have a way of opening up doors to riches in the Christian tradition not quite realized before. There’s a line in Timothy’s letter today which gives one instance this process at work, in this case the...

Vincentian Women

Vincentian Women - Pope Francis has  said "Women are asking deep questions that must be addressed. The church cannot be herself without the woman and her role. The woman is essential for the church. Mary, a woman, is more important than the bishops." Vincentian Women...

Pray the rosary with the Superior General

Pray the rosary with the Superior General

Father G. Gregory Gay, C.M. is the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and Company of Daughters of Charity and a leading figure in the worldwide Vincentian Family. Here he encourages you to pray Rosary with him in English. The video contains...