
Covid in Advent

Maybe the Advent message this year calls us to see beyond how COVID19 affects us, reminding us that others are suffering much more than we…

Lessons learned during a Pandemic, #24: Celebrate faith and hope with the poor

This year 2020, twelve years after I composed that song, I have discovered a new meaning of what it means, for a member of the Congregation, to celebrate the feast of Saint Vincent.

A Vincentian View: A Season of Yes

We can recognize the effort and success that people of good will exert to move us beyond the moment and onto the right track.

Each Approach Is Necessary

An image each Vincentian should consider! It is a simple image of people imperiled by a river flooding out of control. Read on to learn how a Franciscan uses that image to explore various approaches to saving people.

Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Repentance: believing and living the Gospel

Our merciful Lord listens to sinners who cry out to him. He takes no pleasure in their death, but in their repentance, so that they may live and bear much fruit. Jesus makes it clear that we are all in need of repentance. He warns that if we do not repent, we will...

Always Be Ready

Always Be Ready

Always Be Ready – God is Merciful - Doors of Faith - Mystery of Love Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday February 23, 2016 Always Be Ready – Lent is a good time to remember to always be ready.  Look inside and know what needs improving.  Do a Lenten cleanup of...

Mortification of the Mind and Will

Mortification of the Mind and Will

Lent is a time when many of us are seeking exercises to get our flabby souls into shape... like push-ups or jogging for the soul. For example, what did St. Vincent mean by "mortifying judgment and self-will"? How can we practice this? Get some recommendations in the...