
Two Cardinals Celebrate Funeral of a Homeless Person

“May we be reminded of the words of St. Gregory the Great, who, when faced with the death of a mendicant from cold, said that Masses would not be celebrated that day because it was like Good Friday.” 

The Call: Where and What? (Mk 1:14-20)

God’s Call is a theme that runs all through the Scriptures. Where does God’s call occur and to what does it summon us?

Aren’t We All “Flat-earthers”?

There is no doubt in my mind that the earth is a globe revolving in space! So how could I be a “flat-earther”?

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Jesus is the Word of the Father.  So, he does not speak on his own; the Father who has sent him commands him what to say (Jn 12, 49).  We, in turn, should only speak what Jesus tells us. God starts to speak, and just like that creation gets underway.  That means, he...
At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

Church of Saint Laurent (Paris), May 7, 2016. A poor man sleeps at the gates of St. Lawrence church, in Paris. It's 9 am, several hours have passed since the city has already begun its busy day. In the photo, a dirty and tatty temple with rehabilitation underway. At...

Mary in our Midst

Mary in our Midst

In college, I had one course in Art Appreciation.  Since my own background for understanding art left much to be desired, this course proved valuable.  One remark remains with me:  Once an artist finishes a work, he has lost control over it; now it belongs to the...

Troubled unto a troubling death

Troubled unto a troubling death

Human misery leaves Jesus troubled, and he seeks that other people’s miseries leave us likewise troubled. The disciples and a large crowd accompany Jesus to Nain.  A large crowd from Nain is with a widow at her only son’s funeral procession.  The stage is set for a...

Listen to your heart

Listen to your heart

Listen to Your Heart - Apostles’ Creed Today - Vincentians Serving in Faith – Called to Serve in Joy Listen to Your Heart - When you listen to your heart chances are God has a message for you.  Talking to God, answers are in your heart.  Lord, open my mind that I may...