
Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions arrive in USA – 1816

This Monday, July 26, is the anniversary of the arrival of Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions in Baltimore, Maryland USA in 1816. Learn more in this presentation:   [slideshare...

The Mutating Vincentian Virus

COVID 19  Is both similar to and very different from the Vincentian Virus. St. Vincent was “patient zero”. We also know the power of the Vincentian Virus and how St. Vincent spread this powerful virus.

“Give Me a Double Share of Your Spirit”

The following is a short reflection on the formator seminarian relationship derived from the reading of the departure scene of Elijah from the book of 2 Kings.

Criminalizing Christ: The Nationwide Targeting of Homeless

Jesus says any time there is a hungry, thirsty or ostracized person, that person is Christ himself. And if we don’t share our food, our water, or our welcome, then we are rejecting the Incarnation of God in this world.

Emmaus and The Eucharist

Emmaus and The Eucharist

Emmaus and The Eucharist (Lk 24:13-35) Many people’s favorite story in the New Testament is the one of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. It contains so much of everyone’s experience of what it is to believe -- and certainly touches on the belief of a...

Gifts of Christ Who Has Gone up to Heaven

Grace and Love and Communion for Us

Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, God reveals his love to us.  He wants us to enjoy the communion of the Holy Spirit. Grace is ours through Moses.  Grace, on the other hand, comes to us through Jesus Christ.  God gives him to the world, so that we may have...