
Mark’s Gospel – Coping With a New Normal

Mark, as any good pastor would, uses Jesus stories circulating in oral tradition to help a community understand how the gospel is “good news”… even in the face of catastrophe and persecution.

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Jesus opens our ears and makes loose the strings of our tongues.  He enables us to make gestures that heal and speak words that proclaim God’s kingdom. Amazing magic for the sake of a deaf and mute in a place where pagans live?  If this is what Jesus’ gestures make us...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? IX

“…the direction in which missioning moves— toward the poor people of the world, trying to be God’s love for them, and at the same time finding in them God’s love.”

Vincentian Feast Days This Week

August 30 is the Feast Day of Blessed Ghebre-Michael, and September 2 is the memorial of the Congregation of the Mission’s Martyrs of the French Revolution.

Expecting and Seeing

Expecting and Seeing

Expecting and Seeing (Matthew 13:13) Some time ago I went to see a touring art exhibit featuring Monet’s water lilies. Laid out in three big murals that were hung together, it wrapped around the room to give the visitor a sense of being right there at the pond’s edge....

Laborers of the Lord of the Harvest

Caring for Those in the Outskirts

To see Jesus is to see the merciful God who is caring towards those in the outskirts who cry out to him. Jesus is a Jew.  It seems he is even portrayed as siding with those who show their contempt for the Gentiles by calling them dogs or swine.  This closed and...