
St. Vincent’s Spiritual Way: the Process of Discernment in Daily Life

Fr. Hugh O’Donnell defines discernment as a process by which the Spirit calls us to use our freedom to act in a certain way. He defines it as “a choice, not between good and evil, but between two or more goods.”

A Note on Charity for Vincentian Month 2021

If charity is our rule, as Saint Vincent de Paul taught us, what does it look like?

Constitutive, Indispensable, Crucial

Jesus is constitutive of the Christian community.  Do we say and live this as St. Vincent? Moises makes clear what truly matters.  Jesus does so too.  For the two of them, it is not about us.  Or the group that we make up, chosen and gifted so as to serve others. ...

The Intuition of St. Vincent

Fr. Jean-Pierre Renouard, C.M. describes St. Vincent’s genius for bringing the laity into prominence in the charitable activity of the Church.

The Summons #IamVincent

The Summons #IamVincent

When I reflect on my first few weeks with my community and the St. Vincent de Paul society, I cannot help but listen and relate to the hymn, “The Summons”. Each line in this song is a question which seems to directly hit the points I am feeling in this phase of my...

The Finger of God

The Finger of God

Just last week at the end of a sequence of calamitous happenings in the country and world, someone remarked that if he had one wish it would be that when turning on the news he’d hear something other than bad news. His wish caught the dark and heavy feelings of the...

Wisdom that Is Hard to Resist and Believe

Wisdom that Is Hard to Resist and Believe

Jesus has the wisdom in speaking that his adversaries will be powerless to resist or refuse. The Pharisees love it when people recognize their wisdom and call them teachers.  And they are wise, undoubtedly, as the tricky question they address to Jesus through theirs...

Generation “Z”

Generation “Z”

"Generation what?" say the entrepreneurs at mobileserve. It’s true – there’s a new generation coming of age. Just as you got your Family branch up to speed to cater to everything Millennial, the first Generation Z-ers are about to graduate from college and bring with...