
A Vincentian Minute: Vincentians and Catholic Social Teaching – Intro

Fr. Rooney draws on a sketch of Catholic Social Teaching by former Vincentian Superior General Robert P. Maloney, C.M.

The Company of Charity and the Laudato Si Action Platform

We gathered to share how the Charity charism could be a resource for us as we engage in Pope Francis’s seven-year journey to integral integrity expressed in the LSAP.

The Pope Video • Religious Discrimination and Persecution

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Religious Discrimination and Persecution.

A Vincentian Minute: From Cross to Crown

Fr. Rooney, in an Advent/Christmas series on the mystery of the Incarnation in Vincentian thought and practice, reflects on the spirituality that surrounded St. Vincent.

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

Vincentian View: In-Between Times We sometimes refer to that period which is sandwiched between two events as an “in-between” time. The occurrences which flank this interval often provide its character and purpose.  The unifying force of the interlude draws the two...