
The Pope Video • For The Elderly

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For the Elderly.

Vincentian Priesthood as Missionary

Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M. explains that St. Vincent chose to focus on the model of the priest as missionary.

Sundays with Luke – Stories Within a Bigger Story

Have you ever “binged-watched” your favorite TV series? If you have, you probably saw important themes you missed when you watched isolated episodes.

A Vincentian View: Bearing the Marks of Jesus

Paul ordinarily employed a scribe to write down the letters that he dictated for the benefit of his local churches.  Sometimes, however, he picks up the pen himself to write a last few lines.

Mercy That We Find Hard to Understand

Mercy That We Find Hard to Understand

Jesus Christ is the incarnation and personification of divine mercy (DM 2). Dwelling among us, he hopes that God’s mercy will rub on us human beings. Sinners draw near to listen to Jesus. He welcomes them, and he even eats with them, which bothers the Pharisees and...