
How Many of Us Have Reimagined Labor Day?

I am willing to bet that most of us think of Labor Day as marking the last hurrah of summer or a day of supposed “fantastic sales.” 

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Jesus shows us God who is rich in mercy.  He welcomes sinners and eats with them.  This does bother not a few folks. Maybe the Pharisees and the scribes think Jesus likes to bother them since they are the guardians of the law.  For he stands up to them when they tell...

Vincentian Prayer Images: “The Colors of Charity” • 14

This series is a visual memory of the art exhibition “The Colors of Charity,” which was on exhibit from 15 December 2017 to 25 February 2018 at the Collegio Alberoni of Piacenza.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Associates: A 50 Year History 1972-2022 (Part 12)

Throughout the more than 200 year history of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (SCN), friends from the broader community have walked beside the Sisters in their call to follow the charism of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac. From the earliest days, these partners have been integral to the SCN mission.

Point and Witness to God’s Son and Lamb

Point and Witness to God’s Son and Lamb

Jesus is the Son of God and also the Lamb of God. We Christians believe and proclaim him so. We also point and witness to him. John’s reason for being is to point and witness to Jesus. For he baptizes with water so that he may reveal the one who will baptize with the...