
Jesus Flips the Religious and Cultural Script

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus flips the script to show how different his mission was from what ordinary people expected.

February 3: Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.

Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, an Italian Daughter of Charity, is known for her work with poor children; through her trust and friendship, “she guided them to find the Lord … with the gentleness of a loving mother”.

A Canadian View: What Is Good Governance?

As Vincentians our first and foremost goal is the relief of poverty across the world. We are ready to act and assist our neighbours in need in every way we can.

A Vincentian View: Out of your Mind

Has anyone ever accused you of being “out of your mind?” 

Watch, Stay Awake, for Jesus Is Coming

Watch, Stay Awake, for Jesus Is Coming

Jesus is coming, but we do not know when.  So, we have to watch. It seems odd that we are to look to the end at the beginning of the liturgical year.  For we are urged to watch and wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.  He will come, yes, but we do not know...