
A Canadian View: Homelessness – Why Should We Care? What Can We Do?

I think we are all aware of the increasing number of homeless women, men and children in our communities, whether large cities or smaller rural towns and villages.

Echoes (Luke 12:35-38)

I’ve always had a liking for country music. One of the special effects its singers use is what might be called echoing.

Unfinished Family Business?

Have you had someone close to you die? One with whom you had unfinished business?

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus takes the form a slave and becomes like us.  We who seek to follow him are to become lowly slaves in the same way that he is.   For us who try to be and live as Jesus, to be first means to be slaves (Mk 10, 43-45). And today’s gospel teaches the same lesson. ...
Announce the Good News to the Poor

Announce the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is God’s Anointed and Sent One to announce the Good News to the poor.  To belong to God and to Jesus is to belong to the poor. John the Baptist seems to go into crisis, and his whole group with him.  For what he hears in prison about Jesus does not sound...