Vincentian Family Office

Interview with Kilver Fuentes, participant in the January 2020 Vincentian Family Meeting

For the first time I saw how much of an impact St. Vincent de Paul had left on so many people. It is not just a devotion – it is a life style.

Inteview with Sr. M. Gerlinde Kätzler, Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Zams, Austria

What is the story and the mission of your Congregation? Our motherhouse was built in 1811 by the dean of Zams, Nikolaus Tolentin -Schuler. He was looking for women to care for the sick of the village and especially to teach the girls. In 1822, he sent the head of the...

“Aguapanaleros of the Night receives an award from the Congress of the Republic of Colombia

“Aguapaneleros of the Night, Lay Vincentians,” a branch of the Vincentian Family, was awarded the Order of Democracy Simón Bolívar by the Chamber of Congressional Representatives of the Republic of Colombia.

Youth Empowerment Program in Oyugis, Kenya

Thanks to CMM brothers in Oyugis Integrated Project for giving this opportunity for the youth – especially young girls – to find hope for the future.

Formation with FAVISAL

Formation with FAVISAL

The International Vincentian Family Office (VFO) wants to strengthen the efforts of the National Councils in the continuous training of all branches and members who make up the Vincentian Family in each one of our countries. On June 12, the Vincentian Family from El...