Mark Noonan CM

Sheltering: A meditation for the Vincentian Family

The works of mercy lie at the heart of our Family’s spirituality. 

Papal Blessing of “Sheltering”, a Gift to the Vincentian Family

On Wednesday 9th November, as part of the lead up to the Sixth World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis blessed “Sheltering” a sculpture depicting the plight of those suffering homelessness across the world.

Abiding to the Vincentian Call, Fulfilling the Vincentian Assignments

The Kano Central Council of the Kaduna Metropolitan Council of Nigeria is one known to be relentless in the Vincentian movement.

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Fr. Vitaliy, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Ukraine, is also president of the Board of Depaul Ukraine, an organization that is part of the worldwide Vincentian Family, which is doing important work helping those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Building 75 Homes in India

Building 75 Homes in India

As we look at our world, we know we must continue to exist for the people for whom Jesus existed and for those he served in his day: the outcasts, the women, the sinners, and those living on the edges of society.