Ross Dizon


Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Jesus, who died on the cross, has risen.  Hence, we cannot look for him among the dead, but among the living. Early in the morning, following the Sabbath right after Jesus’ death and burial, Mary of Magdala goes to the tomb.  Knowing what Mark and Luke say, we can...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Feed Other Humans First of All

Jesus seeks to feed us with his body and blood, so that we may have life to the full.  He loves us, yes, to the end. For sure, the thirty pieces of silver cannot but feed even more Judas Iscariot’s greed.  But does the traitor sell Jesus for a trifle, asking no high...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Dead to Sin and Living for God in Christ

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in him, though they die, will not stay dead.  In him they will live for God and be dead to sin. There cannot be dead folks among those who believe in Jesus.  This flies in the face of my sorrow due to the...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Open the Eyes of Those Who Cannot See

Jesus is the light of the world.  That is why to open the eyes of the blind is part of the task that his Father has entrusted to him. Jesus decides on his own to open the eyes of a man blind from birth.  The latter gets to see so clearly that he recognizes him to be a...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Reveal or Conceal God’s True Face

Jesus’ food is to do the Father’s will and to finish his work.  He thus keeps the true religion; he cannot but reveal God’s true face. Though we believe in God, we yet can conceal, rather than reveal, the true face of God (GS 19).  And, of course, we can do so in...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Visions of a Better Future of Glory

Jesus is the risen Son of Man.  And he is so, for, though the Son of God, he was a servant and obeyed to death on the cross.  He makes our visions of glory come true. Peter does not like what Jesus says about his visions of what is to come.  They seem terrible to...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Tempt Someone Is Not What God Does

Jesus let the devil tempt him just as we are tempted, though he did not sin.  Hence, he can feel for us who are weak, and lift us up. James makes clear that God does not tempt us.  We are tempted by our own evil desire. Today’s first reading and gospel, though,...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Perfect as Our Father in Heaven

Jesus, who is in the bosom of the Father and knows him up close, shows us the divine face.  He wants us to be perfect as our Father. It is quite clear what it means to be perfect as our Father in heaven:  to go beyond what the law and the prophets command and forbid. ...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Fulfill with All Our Heart What God Wants

Jesus is the most blessed of those who are blessed since they fulfill what God wants.  And he is the way that leads to God, and to bliss and peace. There is much we yet have to do to fulfill Christ’s wish that all Christians be one.  And that we let others know by our...

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Jesus is the great light that shines on those who walk in the dark.  He is the delight of those who live in the land of gloom. As God’s wisdom, Jesus rejoices in the earth and finds his delight in humans (see Prov 8, 31).  And, of course, for him to be with us also...