Ross Dizon


Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Jesus shows us how to love in truth God and our neighbor.  Out of love for them, he has to sweat blood and give himself wholly. To strive and to sweat.  This is what love for God asks of us who are of the Vincentian Family (SV.EN XI:32).  That is to say, it is not...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Reflect the Creator and Owner of All

Jesus is the image of the God whom no one has ever seen.  Hence, he cannot but reflect God who is merciful, kind, and faithful. No doubt, we Christians want to reflect Jesus.  And we believe, of course, that to reflect him means to reflect also the very God whose...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Dare the Wise and Learned to Be Truthful

Jesus is the sign of contradiction.  He brings to light what we harbor in our hearts.  He cannot but dare us to be truthful. Jesus does not fail to dare the wise and the learned to choose the good that they learn and receive.  That is to say, he asks them to act as...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Doubt the Quick “Yes” that We Say

Jesus is the firstborn from among those who do what is true and come to the light, so that there is no doubt that their works are just. No doubt, we have to love in deed and truth.  The second son in the parable says “yes,” but he does not do what the father asks.  No...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Commit to the Poor of Flesh and Blood

Jesus goes about doing good; he loves in deed and truth.  He does not just commit to an ideology.  St. Vincent is like him. St. Vincent wants those who follow him to commit with zeal to those who are poor (SV.FR XI:133-137).  And it seems that he himself cannot but...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Admire the Thoughts and Ways of God

Jesus makes known to us God, who is good to all and has mercy on all he has made, and whose thoughts and ways we are to admire. The landowner is good to the jobless.  But there are those who, rather than admire him, grumble.  These are the ones who have worked for...

Sweat in Seeking the Other’s Good

Reach by Grace the Unreachable Star

Jesus is not of the world.  Nor are his true disciples.  They get to reach what we who are humans find hard to reach. There is no doubt that the way Jesus teaches is not the same as others’ way.  For he teaches with authority, not as the scribe.  Also, there is such a...