Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.


Aidan es un sacerdote vicentino y misionero en el Altiplano boliviano, y coordinara las múltiples facetas de la red digital ".famvin".
Who are the Homeless? #IamVincent

Who are the Homeless? #IamVincent

As we prepare to launch a major initiative to serve the homeless populations of the world, the Vincentian family needs to know the answer to the question, "Who are the homeless?" Then we need to share the truth. Steve Lopez of the LA Times paints a clear picture....

Becoming a Unicorn in Lent

Becoming a Unicorn in Lent

Change. A word that we throw around a lot. To make or become different. An act or process through which something becomes different. In the startup tech space that I work in now, change is often viewed as something highly desired. In fact, everyone is looking for that...

Get to Know: Hannah Brock

Get to Know: Hannah Brock

As the Anniversary Year committee has adopted an initiative to combat homelessness for this year and beyond, it's good to get to know people who work in this line. Depaul International is an acknowledged leader and member of the Vincentian Family. Vincentians of...

God is Good #IamVincent

God is Good #IamVincent

"There was one week in December when I felt like everything went wrong." Vincent would have known what you're talking about! He said, "Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come to you...

A Vincentian “Gutenberg” Moment

A Vincentian “Gutenberg” Moment

In a recent Stanford Social Innovation Review article, Marina Gorbis writes: I would argue that we are living through our own Gutenberg moment—a moment of transformation in our fundamental tools for creating, expressing, and sharing information, ideas, and knowledge....