The Church speaks clearly in opposition to the death penalty. “The dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil. Modern society has the means of protecting itself, without definitively denying criminals the chance...
Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
Mission in the Style of Vincent De Paul
Relationships and their maintenance were a key part of Vincent's method. Listen to Alison Forrestal talk about her soon-to-be-published book on Vincent de Paul which assesses de Paul's activities against the wider backdrop of early modern Catholic religious reform....
Vincentian Leadership Institute for High School Students
Leadership begins with the young. Faith and Service in the City connects high school students to Catholic and Vincentian traditions in New York City. It's time for them to explore theology, experience NYC, and grow in faith and leadership! Faith and Service in the...
I Care About Homelessness: #IamVincent
Mary Ann Campellone is a Vincentian of Wherever. Of Philadelphia to be exact. She's taken the mission of Vincent -- learned at her parish in Philadelphia -- deeply into her work situation at Mercy Career and Technical High School. Combining it with the charism of the...
Measure Your Media Outcomes
How to measure.... We're becoming accustomed to mounting social media campaigns for just about everything, What can media accomplish? What can it affect? Restating those questions from an evaluation perspective translates to: how can one measure the impact of media?...
What if Vincent Hadn’t Been Inventive and Said, “It’s Always Been Done That Way”?
"There's a phrase that should never be used: 'It's always been done that way.' That phrase, let me tell you, is bad. We must always be changing because time changes. The only thing that does not change is what's essential. What doesn't change is the announcement of...
Vincentians of Wherever: Dr. Paul Vermette
Dr. Paul Vermette, a professor of education at Niagara University, received Leadership Niagara’s Lifetime Achievement Award during the organization’s annual awards luncheon, held today at the Conference Center Niagara Falls. A professional educator since 1971, Dr....
The Five-Hour Rule
Sometimes, you run into something on the web or on blogs that is just helpful to share. The Five-Hour Rule is one of those things. The Five-hour rule is about lifelong learning and the commitment to it. Online learning is the wave of the present (no, not the future...
Four Lessons: Responding to the Homelessness Crisis
In a recent article, "Four Lessons from Leading Companies Responding to the Refugee Crisis," Philippe Sion, Jaclyn Marcatili, Laura Watry give a "map" for the Vincentian Family when thinking about homelessness. They said, Inspired by a recent blog written about the...
If It Was Not For The Women, There May Not Be A St. Vincent de Paul
Commenting on a recent article, MaryAnn Dantuono, President of the Ladies of Charity (AIC) USA said, This is a delightful recognition. (ed. note: LCUSA was recognized for the 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Confraternities of Charity in France. The...