“Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!” Pope Francis Cheyenne, an emerging college freshman at Immaculata University, has strong roots in the Germantown community as she attended St....
Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
9 ways to pray
"The biblical call to charity, justice and peace claims not only each believer, but each community." In 1994, the Catholic Bishops of the Unites States wrote, The parish is where the Church lives. Parishes are communities of faith, of action, and of hope. They are...
Escaping Adversity, Student Finds a “Second Home”
Though Mary Tarawally’s graduation from St. John’s University is months away, she has already compiled a résumé of success stretching from the Staten Island campus to the United Nations. “St. John’s mission struck a chord from the start,” said the student leader and...
A Day in the life of the Social Service Client Advocate
I was discerning a Vincentian year of service for a while but I just didn’t know where. I honestly don’t know how this program ended up being the one I applied to, but I just couldn’t shake away the idea of it. I was so comfortable with my lifestyle that I knew I...
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers on the March
Once again, CVV was humbled to participate the Denver's Marade (nope, that's not a typo!) and celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a powerful time to come together as a Denver community committed to justice for all. There is still work to be done!...
The Most Obvious Reason People Share on Social Media
It seems that most Vincentian Family groups don’t understand why people really share on social media. Yes, people use social media for entertainment, to connect with others, and to be heard. Some even use it for formation. But there’s a deeper motivation behind why...
Why We Should Love Our Enemies #MLKDay2018
As I struggled with my own anger over the continuing personal and political conduct of my President, I recalled these words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Now there is a final reason I think that Jesus says, "Love your enemies." It is this: that love has within it a...
We can’t wait to hear about their adventures! #IAMVincent
CVV23-ers (a.k.a., Colorado Vincentian Volunteers) Christin, Allison, Lauren, and Cassady had the incredible opportunity to spend the past 4 days living and working alongside the Sisters of Charity in New Orleans. It looks like they had a blast and enjoyed learning...
Called By Name #VincentiansofWherever #IamVincent
“The measure of our compassion lies not in our service to those on the margins, but in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship. And that means the decided movement towards awe and giant steps away from judgement.” -Greg Boyle, SJ A few weeks ago, I walked into a...
Good News: Helping one another carry his/her burden each day. @NiagarUniv #IamVincent
Amid the conical hats, demands for hot tea and general hullabaloo of New Year’s Eve was a gripping mini-documentary about a new program that launched last fall at a high school in Boca Raton, Fla. Produced by MassMutual, the three-minute piece spotlighted We Dine...