
A letter from Ukraine on situation of the members of the Congregation of the Mission

S letter of Father Jan Trzop, C.M, the former Provincial of the Vice-Province of St. Cyril and Methodius, who has been working in Ukraine for many years, in which he describes the current situation in all the Vincentian communities in Ukraine.

St. Vincent de Paul and Peace

Saint Vincent, who had dedicated his life to the poor, was especially concerned about those persons who were overwhelmed by war.

St. Vincent Experienced War

St. Vincent was painfully aware of the dire situations he faced and the rich nuances of Vincent’s response. What can we learn from Vincent and Pope Francis’ responses?

Vincentian Prayer Images: The Cries of the Poor Then and Now

The hardships of war emptied out the homes of the poor in Vincent’s day. How will we work for those driven from their homes today?

Being Vincentian in Aleppo

World War III not far fetched – Pope Francis

“Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction… How is this possible? It is so because in today’s world, behind the scenes, there are interests, geopolitical strategies, lust for money and power, and there is the manufacture and sale of arms.”

D-Day – Perspectives from the Vincentian Tradition

D-Day plus 70!

On this anniversary of D- Day... What have we learned? What can we do? It was supposed to be “The War to end all wars” (Woodrow Wilson), John XXIII wrote and Encyclical ""Peace on Earth". "War, Never again war” (Paul VI), John Paul II wrote over 20 messages during his...