Vincentians of Wherever

How To Get Your Parents On Board With A Year Of Service

Telling my parents that I wanted to do a year of service after graduation was one of the most stressful things I’ve had to do in my life.

Study finds a program that worX!

Have you ever bothered to study the long term results of your youth and young adult program?

Charism is the Core of our Lives: #VincentianMonth is Every Month

Living simply, caring for our planet and conserving resources, … are just a few of the ways we continue to live out the charism.

Guided Through Many of Life’s Important Decisions #VincentiansofWherever

Active in her Catholic parish community, Jonna uses her faith to help guide her through many of life’s important decisions, like her internship.

New Youth Task Force Meets in Philadelphia

New Youth Task Force Meets in Philadelphia

The new Youth Task Force of the Vincentian Family identified four key components of their mission, around which they began to create a shared language: direct service/relationship with those living in poverty; inspired by and appreciative of the love of God; universally inclusive; and charity and justice.

Love and Compassion

Love and Compassion

I recently read a quote that struck me, “Love is choosing to serve someone and be with someone in spite of there [imperfections]. ” My time at Epiphany has been both challenging and rewarding; each day I am reminded of the power and beauty of love and compassion. The...