
Do you know poor people? Christ?

"The great tragedy of the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor." — Shane Claiborne Paraphrasing Roman 10:14 How can we encounter Christ in the poor if we do not know them? Vincent certainly...

Formation Friday – Vincentian Mothers

VinFormation offers resources that celebrate Vincentian mothers spanning 3 centuries

Saturday Study Hall – “Love creative unto infinity”

Within our Vincentian Family, we often cite the saying of St. Vincent: “Love is creative even to infinity” as a sort of rallying cry for adaptation.  But do we understand Vincent's use of the phrase? Robert Maloney CM writes... "Ordinarily, we use this citation to...

Formation Friday – Vincentian Stations

The Stations reflect our service and our journey as Christians who love Christ and seek to serve Him in the poor. This is our mission as Vincentians. This is our mission as Catholics.  When we look into the eyes of the poor we see Your suffering Son, Your love and...

Vincentian Grandparents 2014

September 7 marks Grandparents Day in the US. Do Something grand for them. Some of us are blessed with grandparents who are still living. Others never knew their grandparents and perhaps not next to nothing about them.

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