Vincentian places

Vincentian Places 14 – Hôtel-Dieu, Beaune

The Hotel-Dieu was built in the 15th century as a hospital. This is typical of the hospitals that the church operated in the time of St. Vincent de Paul.

Vincentian Places 13 – Saint-Lazare

The Priory of St Lazare was the home of Vincent de Paul for the latter part of his life, after the Congregation of the Mission moved there from the College des Bons Enfants in 1632.

Vincentian Places 10, 11 and 12 – Île-de-France, Champagne, and Picardy

With other volunteer priests, Vincent gave missions in the villages belonging to the De Gondi family, in the Île-de-France, Champagne, and Picardy regions of France.

Vincentian Places 09 – Châtillon-les-dombes

In August 1617 Vincent was a parish priest at Châtillon-les-Dombes where he founded the first Confraternity of Charity (precursor to the Ladies of Charity), a group of lay people to help those in need.