“Do we unintentionally ignore the good will inherent in other faiths.”

Dave Barringer, CEO of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, at the end of this reflection wonders whether "we unintentionally ignore the good will inherent in other faiths." He is currently in Rome at the invitation of the US Bishops for a three day event with Buddhist...

SVDP and US Bishops join in plea to transform immigration

SVDP and US Bishops join in plea to transform immigration, See the following letter from Sheila Gilbert, President of the National Council of the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Dear Vincentians, Last year, the Border Patrol apprehended more than 68,000 immigrant...

SVDP, US Bishops and Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement

SVDP, US Bishops offer points for reflection concerning the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement

Ecumenical Agreement – Family detention unworthy of US

Ecumenical Agreement – Family detention unworthy of US

US Bishops celebrate Mass at border

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Migration, joined by bishops on the border, will travel to Nogales, Arizona, March 30-April 1 to tour the U.S.-Mexico border and celebrate Mass on behalf of the close to 6,000 migrants who have died in the...

When Popes and Presidents meet

It has happened 27 times! The United States Catholic Conference blog catalogs each occurrance. "President Obama's upcoming meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, March 27, marks the 28th time  a sitting U.S. President has met with a pope. The meetings, which will...