Examination of Conscience In Light Of Catholic Social Teaching

During our Lenten journey we examine, personally and as a community, ourselves and our actions.

Corpus Christi and the Case for Change

As you prepare to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, have you ever thought of how it provides the underpinnings for systemic change?

Following the Way of Charity As We Age

Today, besides a strong legacy of ministries, these Charity congregations are marked by an abundance of elderly members. As followers of Jesus in the Vincentian way, our sisters have devoted their entire lives to ministry: educating, caring for, reaching out to, and...

U.S. Catholic Bishops are Mobilizing on Migration

In time for our year of welcoming the stranger, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is establishing a working group that is tasked with developing support for immigrants and refugees. The help will come in the forms of spiritual, pastoral and policy advocacy...