Formation: Systemic change

Part II: Systemic Change Regional Coordination Meeting for Asia

“Systemic change is a spirituality, a mindset, a presence that listens, and an experience.” This was the line that encapsulated the first day of the SC meeting. As the second day started with the reflective “Prayer to the Different Directions,” the participants’ mood...

Systemic Change Regional Coordination Meeting for Asia

The International Commission for Systemic Change is holding a regional coordination meeting for Asia in the Daughters of Charity Provincial House in Lam Lukka, Bangkok, Thailand this weekend, November 11-12. Participating were 15 representatives coming from India,...

Systemic Change – Doing the Next Right Thing

Vincent accomplished so much by simply by seizing the day and doing the next right thing.

The difference a lens makes

"Seeing" calls for "judging." But judging presupposes a lens! “Two men looked out from prison bars, one saw mud, the other stars!” This quote, variously attributed, seems to express that what one sees depends greatly upon one’s mental model and expectations. An...

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