Formation: systemic change stories

“I Was in Prison….”

A group of women aim to break the cycle of incarceration in families in the U.S., caring for those who were formerly imprisoned much as St. Vincent and his collaborators were motivated by charity to care for the galley slaves in the 17th century.

International Commission for Systemic Change, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Vincentian Family International Commission for Systemic Change, Sao Paulo, Brazil From April 19-22, the International Commission of the Vincentian Family to Promote Systemic Change held a two-day meeting in Sao Paulo and a two-day training for four Latin American...

Systemic Change Meeting Includes UN NGO Reps

At the Bronx Campus of Mount Saint Vincent College, on February 26, representatives of  several branches of the Vincentian Family met to discuss ways to more effectively work together to help people living in poverty improve their living conditions through Systemic...

Grow your own program with those in poverty

West Virginia Conference allows people in need to Grow your own The saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The St. Louise de Marillac Conference, also known as the Conference of Southern West...

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