Formation: systemic change reflections

Are We Trying To Force Systemic Change?

System leaders focus on creating the conditions that can produce change and that can eventually cause change to be self-sustaining.

Who Would Have Thought They Would Be Collaborators?

An idea worth imitating! EnerCasa Co-op has come up with an idea of harvesting energy from mall shoppers who stop by to pedal on a stationary bicycle, giving electricity to local non-profit organizations.

Needed Not Needy: A Systemic Change in Perception

Why Changing The World’s Perception Is Critical To How We Tackle Poverty

Revisioning Our Ministry in the New Year

What Herod and the Wisemen can teach us about revisioning our ministry with people trapped in poverty.

Be The Change You Want!

Be The Change You Want!

Real change starts with recognizing that we are part of the systems we seek to change. The fear and distrust we seek to remedy also exist within us—as do the anger, sorrow, doubt, and frustration. Our actions will not become more effective until we shift the nature of the awareness and thinking behind the actions.