News of Syria SSVDP

News of Syria SVDP

Congress Should Keep Funding Home Visiting—It Works

Perhaps we ought to pay more attention to the many forms of home visiting as the most radical of anti-poverty program.

St. Vincent de Paul Society in Syria – Background

St. Vincent de Paul Society in Syria – Background

Christ’s Authority – Pray, Fast, Almsgiving – Christ died for Us – Living like Christ

Christ’s Authority – Prayer, Fast, Almsgiving – Christ died for Us – Living like Christ

Hearing the cries of the poor at the border

Who hears the cry of the young mothers and children detained at the border? asks Giulio Grecchi, Tucson, AZ, Western Region Voice of the Poor Representative. After describing the situation he pleads “Something has to be changed” and offers suggestions about what Vincentian can do

Systemic Change Workshops for Vincentians

Systemic Change Workshops for Vincentians

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is holding two systemic change workshops for Vincentians. The “Hope in ActionTM”three-day workshop is designed to train those Vincentians throughout the country who will be responsible for planning and implementing systemic change to end poverty. All members of the Vincentian Family are welcome to attend.