Superior General

Vincentian Family Year of New Evangelization

“As we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, on behalf of the Vincentian Family and the leaders of our various branches, I write to inform you that we have decided to dedicate this coming year to the “New Evangelization.”

Pope Francis congratulates SVDP Syria

Pope Francis congratulates the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) of Damascus on its 150th anniversary

CM Superior General speaks of Mercy

Father Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, speaks of mercy. From the website of the Brothers of the CMM (Congregatio Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis, Mater Misericordiae). "To have an inspiring start of this day, the general board had...

“Come, See… and Get involved” – 80 people, 9 countries

The local organization of Vincentian Lay Missionaries (MISEVI) in Slovakia is still in its infancy, but has already played a major role inspiring youth..  In early November 2013, MISEVI Slovakia hosted a European–wide meeting of MISEVI in Nitra. This younger branch of...

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