St. Vincent de Paul

St. Catherine Labouré and St. Vincent de Paul

Presentation about the special connection between St. Catherine and St. Vincent de Paul.

New Video: Saint Vincent, Priest of Charity at the Service of the Poor

Video based on an article by Alvaro Quevedo Patarroyo, C.M.: “Saint Vincent, Priest of Charity at the Service of the Poor: Caring for Spiritual and Temporal Needs.”

St. Vincent and the Congregation of the Mission 1625-1660

In Vincent’s time, the poor were largely neglected, illiterate, and spiritually ignorant. The clergy were sadly inadequate. St. Vincent founded the Congregation of the Mission to preach to the country poor and to help reform the clergy.

June 16: Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincent de Paul’s canonization process was initiated by the Congregation of the Mission 37 years after his death.

EMMY Blesses Good News!

EMMY Blesses Good News!

“God is with us. This is the message of hope that we want to shout from the rooftops, that we want to beam over the airwaves, that we want to put on the front page of our publications and post on our social media accounts.”