St. Vincent de Paul

A Daring Prudence – Systemic Change

“… create a Family that looks to the past for inspiration, but is also eager to create a vibrant innovative collaborative future in the service of the most abandoned.” Fr. Robert Maloney

A Challenge is in the Air

Think about the hot button issues of the day: Police reform, Climate change, Poverty, Homelessness, Election reform, Systemic racism, #metoo… Tou name it. People are calling for more than just quick but temporary fixes. People are calling for systemic reform.

April 25: Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Vincent

A transfer of the relics of Saint Vincent took place on April 25, 1830, via a grandiose procession to the Chapel at the Vincentian Mother House, rue de Sèvres.

Vincentian Care: Serving With Love, in a Spirit of Justice

“…your principal concern, which God asks especially of you, is to be very attentive in serving the poor, who are our lords. Oh yes, Sisters! They are our masters. That is why you must treat them gently and kindly…” – St. Vincent de Paul