Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Doubts – God’s Infinite Goodness

Doubts – God's Infinite Goodness – Living in Christ – Healing gift/Bread of Life Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast, Repost from April 2013 Doubts Do you ever have them? It is truly characteristic for us to question everything. We receive information instantly on...

The Family that Prays Together…

SVDP CEO, Dave Barringer,  reflects on how the familiar saying "the family that prays together..." applies to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. He writes in his weekly column on the eve of the feast of Blessed Frederic... It's true; the family that prays together...

“Stop Talking and Start Doing”

Many of you know Blessed Frédéric Ozanam was the founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, but perhaps there is someone within your circle of family or friends who doesn't know about this important Vincentian Saint. Below is an article from Aletia, "What happened...

Vincentian Gospel Reflections: Feast of Blessed Frederic Ozanam

FEAST OF BLESSED FREDERIC OZANAM September 9 Gospel: (Luke 10: 25-37) “And who is my neighbor?  Jesus replied: “There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho who fell in with robbers.  They stripped him, beat him, and then went off leaving him half-dead.  A...