
The Legacy of Saints Vincent and Louise

How did Divine Providence lead Saints Vincent and Louise, step by step? Learn more in this presentation based on excerpts from the classic Vincentian Heritage Journal article, "Unfolding the Legacy— Key Figures in the Tradition" by Betty Ann McNeil D.C.  ...

“Leaving God For God”

We, as members of the Vincentian Family, know that on more than one occasion Saint Vincent spoke about leaving God in order to find God.

The Congregation of the Mission: Revitalizing Our Identity

Some preparatory materials are being provided ahead of the 2022 CM General Assembly, for reflection and sharing. One of the documents is “The identity of the CM at the beginning of its fifth centenary” by Vinícius Augusto Teixeira, CM.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton says: “Look up!”

As we enter the new year and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Feast Day is on January 4, let us reflect on some beautiful quotes from her writings.