
June 30: First 2,000 Miraculous Medals are struck

June 30 is the anniversary of when the first 2000 Miraculous Medals were delivered to Father Jean-Marie Aladel, C.M.

June 26: Martyrs of the French Revolution in Arras and Dax

June 26 is the memorial of five Daughters of Charity who were martyred during the French Revolution.

The Heart of Jesus in the Spirituality of St. Louise de Marillac

‘Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart.’ was a Scripture verse that Louise and Vincent loved to quote.

Announcing the Good News of Salvation in the Footsteps of Saint Vincent

This presentation, based on a talk by Fr. Emeric Amyot d’Inville, C.M., was addressed to the Congregation of the Mission but could be applicable to any branch of the Vincentian Family involved in teaching and sharing our faith.