“Living Lives of Love – Now in our 3rd century”

“Living Lives of Love – Now in our 3rd century” tells a story that has roots over 200 years ago. But recently the Sisters of Charity have started sharing that story in a new way in this digital age with a revised website under banner Living Lives of Love.

What does “sponsorship” mean? – Sisters of Charity NY

What does “sponsorship” mean? The Spring-Summer edition of VISION, the newsletter of the Sisters f Charity of New York is available on line. It features, among other things, an article by Sr. Karen Helfenstein, SC on Sponsorship and what it means for the Sisters of Charity of New York.

Standing in the midst… – Sr. Eileen McGrory

Founders’ Day ~ April 24, 2014 ~ College of Mount Saint Vincent, Bronx, NY  433rd anniversary of the birth of St. Vincent de Paul Reflections by Sister Eileen McGrory, SC In today’s gospel [Luke 24: 35-48] we hear the words, “Jesus stood in their midst and said to...

NCR celebrates a Sister of Charity of NY

"Sister's legacy includes 43 years of mission medical care" writes the NCR. “Heaven has gained another saint, right up there with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.” – Father Mike Savelesky Large crowds of native people, two funeral Masses, continuous rosaries, and a two-mile...

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