Saturday Study Hall

Saturday Study Hall – Vincent embodies the Good Samaritan

Can you picture Vincent walking along the road to Paris?   It was a relatively well traveled road with priests and officials. In your minds eye watch Vincent as he sees a victim of robbers lying by the wayside. Watch him as he approaches and sees, becomes moved by...

Saturday Study Hall – Journey with Vincent

We are all on a spiritual journey. Abraham risked all to follow God's invitation even in advanced age. The disciples journeyed with Christ and found themselves in surprising places. So too Vincent. His journey took him seeking a life of security to following Christ...

Saturday Study Hall – “Change your way of thinking”

"Change your way of thinking!" I was really struck the first time I realized that the root meaning of "metanoia" or "repent" was "change your way of thinking". Since then every Lent I try to look at what needs to change in my way of thinking about what God is asking...

Saturday Study Hall – Uniting service and reflection

Across the Vincentian Family there is a recognition of the importance of formation for service. Fr. Dennis Holtschneider does a very nice job of connecting service and reflection. As we continue to explore the resources of the Vincentian Encyclopedia there is a...

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