Ross Dizon

Adore the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus shows us how to adore the Father in Spirit and truth. To learn from him, then, means to keep the true religion.  At Sinai, God tells the Israelites that they are not to adore other gods. Yet they later adore a molten calf. And they hail it as Israel’s god that...

Miracles, Prodigious Signs of the Messiah

Jesus preaches the Good News to the poor and works miracles for those who are sick and hurting.  He is the Messiah Israel waits for.  Miracles, wonderful deeds, spectacular events, both attract and frighten most of us humans. So, it does not come as a surprise that...

Beginnings in Eden and in the Desert

Jesus obeys to the point of death on a cross.  He does so to lead us to God and to the beginnings in Eden and in the desert, and to make us all just, washed in the waters of new birth.  Jesus stays in the desert for forty days, which sends us back, in the first place,...

Anger that Is Just and Constructive as Jesus’

Jesus brings in the kingdom of God and his justice.  So, his anger blazes as he sees us looking out for just our own interests, not caring about those who are poor. A leper comes to Jesus, kneels down and begs him: “If you wish, you can make me clean.” The account...
Set Free, out of Love, the Oppressed

God-with-us in Our Joys and Our Griefs

Jesus, God-with-us, is the first of the brothers and sisters who rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. There is a report that fewer folks in the U.S. believe in God and, one can guess, in God-with-us. For the number of believers in the U.S. is...

Set Free, out of Love, the Oppressed

Supreme Value of the Kingdom of God

On top of being the scribe who is trained in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus embodies also the supreme value that this kingdom is. The teaching is clear that the kingdom of heaven is the supreme value.  For there is this saying:  “Seek first the kingdom of God and his...

Set Free, out of Love, the Oppressed

Yoke That Is Easy, Burden That Is Light

Jesus soothes those who are weary and carry heavy burden.  To take his yoke and learn from him is to know the Father and find rest and ease. In wonder, Jesus thanks the Father.  For, though Lord of heaven and earth, the Father favors with revelation the little folks. ...