Ross Dizon

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Jesus is the proof that God loves us.  Sent by God, he teaches us to love.  He makes love the Christians’ distinctive mark and the means of salvation. Judas leaves so as to carry out fully the betrayal.  And this treasonous leave is a distinctive sign that Jesus’ hour...

Mind and Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus and the Father are one and of one mind and heart.  And to be a Christian means to have Christ’s mind and heart. Jesus walks about in the temple area on Solomon’s Porch or Colonnade.  It is a place many people go to, especially in winter.  For there, due to a...

Burden and Sorrow of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus is God-with-us.  He stays with us all along the way that we travel.  He finds bearable the burden that we turn out to be. The disciples cannot haul in the net due to the huge number of fish caught in it.  But surely, it is a burden that makes the fishermen...

Palpable, Touchable, Visible, True

Jesus makes palpable God, whom no one has seen or touched.  True disciples do not rest till their Teacher is palpable to them. Jesus knows that when he shows up risen, his disciples will think they see a ghost.  They will want him to be palpable.  That is why he has...
Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Jesus is the leader of those to whom the Father sees fit to give the kingdom.  Those who truly belong to him are courageous, watchful, ready, faithful. “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours,” taught Jesus earlier.  Now he says that such...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Jesus embodies what to pray, ask, seek, knock is.  We Christians, then, strive to pray, ask, seek and knock as he teaches us. Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus and calls him, “Teacher” because he first calls her, “Mary.”  And because God loves us first, we love also. ...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Necessary, Only Jesus Is Necessary

Only Jesus is necessary.  The men and the women who hear and follow him make the right choice that no one can take away from them. Jesus says that it is necessary that he suffers greatly in Jerusalem.  And in due time he makes up his mind to go there.  But on the way...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Neighbor Even to Our Hateful Enemies

Jesus, more than anybody else, is neighbor to us.  Dealing mercifully with those in need, we get to do as he does. A legal scholar tests Jesus, and Jesus turns the tables on him and tests him.  The scholar, however, passes the test.  But not wanting perhaps to come...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Marks of Jesus in Those He Is Sending

Jesus tells us to go on our way.  He sends us like lambs among wolves, proclaiming that the kingdom of God is at hand and bearing his marks. Mission marks the followers of Jesus.  He sends the Twelve (Lk 9, 1-6), but also seventy-two others.  So, Jesus...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Memory of Jesus Christ’s Inventive Love

Jesus gave himself up for us.  Because we break the bread and bless the cup, we keep alive the memory of his love to the end. The memory of Jesus surely comforted St. Vincent de Paul.  That was why he was able to comfort others.  He comforted, for instance, a dying...

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Mystery of God Hidden in Plain Sight

Jesus reveals that God, whom no one has ever seen, is love.  Those without love, then, do not know God nor, much less, the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Without doubt, Jesus is God’s last word to us human beings.  He is the mystery of God and in him are hidden all...