Ross Dizon

Alert to the Dangers the World Poses

Jesus is the cry that seek to alert us of the risks that we run.  For we live in a world that fosters individualism and hoarding. Not a few of Jesus’ teachings, the paradoxes in particular, raise eyebrows and puzzle.  Through them, he holds those who hear him...

Vanity of Vanities, All Is Vanity

Jesus is clear-headedness in person.  He brings to light the vanity, the emptiness, of the life of those who love and serve money. Jesus grants and does not grant what a man who feels disinherited asks him to do.  For, in the first place, the Teacher says  “no.”  He...

Steadfast in their Prayers, and Trusting

Jesus is the reason why God does not hold back from those who are steadfast in their prayers the blessings they ask for with trust. The teaching today is that we should be steadfast in our prayers.  And it seems that what is good about being steadfast is that we annoy...

Host to Jesus, the Word Made Flesh

Jesus is God’s most tender call to us humans.  He is at the same time the warmest human host to God that waits at the door to be let in. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus stops where Martha and Mary live.  The sisters, not like those in Samaria, play host to him. Maybe...
Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Jesus is the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He gives meaning to our lives. And he wants his followers to be and do the same. Seeing the crowds, Jesus pities them because they are troubled and left behind, like sheep without a shepherd (Mt 9, 36). There...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Meeting between Jesus and His People

Jesus is the fullness of revelation. Meeting him, we meet God. We also meet ourselves, for he lays bare the thoughts of our hearts. But we must welcome him first. The presentation of Jesus in the temple means the meeting of God’s Anointed with his people. And his...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Following Jesus Christ Genuinely

Jesus opens our minds so that we may understand Scriptures. This understanding is crucial to our knowing and following Jesus. God calls us out of pure mercy though we are weak and fall down easily (SV.EN IX:284). And it is on God’s infinite goodness that we rely to...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Point and Witness to God’s Son and Lamb

Jesus is the Son of God and also the Lamb of God. We Christians believe and proclaim him so. We also point and witness to him. John’s reason for being is to point and witness to Jesus. For he baptizes with water so that he may reveal the one who will baptize with the...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Share in Jesus’ Anointing and Mission

Jesus is the one anointed with the Spirit. God has sent him to bring the Good News to the poor. To belong to him is to share in his anointing and sending. The baptism of Jesus identifies him as God’s beloved Son, with a share in divinity. But it also suggests that he...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Boundaries That Needs Opening

Jesus is the salvation that God has prepared in the sight of all peoples. He opens boundaries: between God and human beings; between us and others. The Word has become flesh through the motherhood of Mary. And being thus uniquely God and man, Jesus becomes the one...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Strength of the Weak and Fearful

Jesus himself is the proof that strength, becomes perfect in weakness. Christians, then, cannot but be weak, and so, strong (2 Cor 12, 9-10). Matthew, more than the other evangelists, speaks of the words of Scriptures reaching their fulfillment in Jesus. He portrays...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Greatness Really Means Littleness

Although great, Jesus becomes little for our sake. As we associate, as Jesus, with the little folks, we grasp the meaning of Christmas that greatness lies in littleness. In the beginning is the Word, the Word is with God, and is God. All things come to be through him,...

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Help from the Always Faithful and True

Jesus Christ, our Savior, is Emmanuel, “God-with-us.” In him and through him, God goes with us and gives us the help that we need. Ahaz, the king of Judah, fears the combined armies of Syria and Israel. And yet he turns down God’s offer of help, for he refuses to do...